Toddler With Down Syndrome Beams With Joy As He Holds Baby Brother

A boy with Down syndrome could not hide his delight as he got to hold his newborn brother in his arms for the first time. Adorable two-year-old Erik Blomstrann was overjoyed to meet his first sibling, Bo, who was born on Friday, May 22. Erik’s mother Nicole Blomstrann, 27, shared the video – and it wasn’t long before Erik’s show of brotherly love was getting widespread praise. Erik is non-verbal but while Nicole was pregnant with Bo, she taught her son how to sign “Baby.” Having not seen his parents for three days while they were away at hospital, Erik was overjoyed on their return home to Wethersfield, Connecticut. Then, when Bo was brought into the room by Nicole, the youngster began to sign “Baby, please!” frantically. In the video, shot by Erik’s father – also called Erik, 40 – the toddler can be seen occasionally giving Bo a loving lick on his forehead, which Nicole said is her son’s variation on a kiss.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Wethersfield, Connecticut, USA
  • Date Acquired05-28-2020
  • Date Filmed05-25-2020
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Toddler With Down Syndrome Beams With Joy As He Holds Baby Brother


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