Adoption Date Reveal Stuns First Time Grandma

A mom receiving gifts to celebrate her first day in a new job jumped in the air screaming in shock when she realized one revealed her daughter had been given a court date to adopt her foster child so she’d be a grandma for the first time. Having struggled with infertility for four years, Madison Holden and her husband, from Chattanooga, Tennessee, turned to foster care to provide a safe space for children who needed love and support. The first child they fostered, Chandler, was placed straight into their care from hospital, and over the months that followed, Madison and her husband, Taylor, grew extremely close to him. Having then received a phone call from their lawyer to confirm a court date had been approved, Madison decided to think of ways to surprise her mom, Janet, who had been extremely excited about the possibility of becoming a grandma. By chance, the confirmation had been received on the day Janet was starting a new job, so Madison said she would head over to her grandparents’ house once her mom had finished work to meet her. There, Madison presented her mother with gifts that Janet thought were to celebrate her new role – but little did she know the card she was holding had a photo of Chandler and his adoption date inside. As soon as things clicked, Janet’s jaw dropped and she let out a scream of shock, shaking on the spot and proudly showing the card.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
  • Date Acquired09-17-2024
  • Date Filmed03-27-2023
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Adoption Date Reveal Stuns First Time Grandma


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