Navy Sailor Surprises Brother With Help Of Police

A teenager got the biggest fright then surprise of his life when he was hauled out of class by a police officer - only to be reunited with his Navy Sailor brother. Sean Kleinpeter had been away for five months passing through boot camp before graduating on December 7. Then after a two month spell in Navy Class A school, he finally got leave to return home and see his family. He told everyone but his kid brother, who he decided to surprise at school. With the help of a police officer who works at his younger brother Luke’s high school in Plano, Texas, Sean set up an elaborate reunion that would scare the living daylights out of his brother first. Video recorded of the special moment first shows Sean hiding out of sight as an off screen police officer walks into the classroom and asks for Luke. A shocked Luke can be seen turning white as the imposing officer stands at the door way and asks him to come up to the front of the class. Once there, the officer begins questioning him and asks: “What are you doing?” A puzzled Luke replies: “Nothing, just working.” And after the officer asks whether there is anything he needs to tell him, Luke begins to look seriously worried as the officer decides to escort him into a side room. With Luke thinking he is in for a major dressing down, his older brother Sean - wearing his US Navy uniform - leaps out to surprise him. Realizing he has been set up, a relieved Luke turns and embraces his brother in tears as his classmates cheer and clap in the background at the emotional reunion.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Plano, Texas, USA
  • Date Acquired02-11-2019
  • Date Filmed02-06-2019
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Navy Sailor Surprises Brother With Help Of Police


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