Girl Almost Knocks Solider Sister Over After 10 Month Deployment

A tearful teenage girl almost knocked her soldier sister over with excitement after she returned home from a 10-month deployment in the Middle East to surprise her. 15-year-old Abigail, from south of Chicago, Illinois, hadn’t seen Hailey Gebbia for almost a year before her sister walked into her school gym. At the time, Abigail was moving equipment, only to catch a glimpse of a familiar face coming through a nearby door. As soon as everything clicked, Abigail immediately began to well up with happy tears, sprinting so fast into her sister's arms that she nearly knocked Hailey, 20, over. The moment took place on February 16, after Hailey, a specialist with the United States Army Reserves, had returned from deployment.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA
  • Date Acquired03-01-2023
  • Date Filmed02-16-2023
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Girl Almost Knocks Solider Sister Over After 10 Month Deployment


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