Girl Surprised During Show And Tell By Military Dad

A girl couldn’t contain her excitement as she showed off her solider dad’s voice in a teddy during show and tell, only for him to suddenly appear in her classroom. Brian Funk, 30, had not seen his daughter, Leah, 5, for more than a year, having been serving overseas in Kuwait with the US Army. But on the day of Leah’s show and tell performance – which happened to be the letter T – her mother persuaded her not to opt for a tiger but her teddy bear instead. Before heading to training and then deployment overseas, Brian, from Wichita, Kansas, had recorded a message inside the bear so that Leah would not feel lonely while he was away. And as Leah showed off her teddy's unique feature at Central Christian Academy Preschool, in Wichita, little did she know that the real Brian was waiting the other side of the door. As her soldier dad entered the classroom, Leah was left stunned, running up to Brain and jumping up and down excitedly.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Wichita, Kansas, USA
  • Date Acquired11-13-2019
  • Date Filmed03-26-2019
  • OrientationHorizontal
  • Footage TypeProfessional Camera
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Girl Surprised During Show And Tell By Military Dad


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