Hospitalized Dad Determined To Walk Daughter Down Aisle Surprises Her On Wedding Day

A hospitalized dad battling a series of health issues brought his daughter to tears of joy on her wedding day after leaving hospital early to surprise her and walk the final steps with her down the aisle. Talia Lau, 29, didn’t expect her father, Ricardo Costilla, 58, to be able to make her big day, but as she made her way down the aisle, she clocked a familiar face sat in one of the seats in the front row. The loving father then approached his daughter, helping her take the final steps towards her partner, Rachel Lau, 28, who was waiting for her at the altar. Ricardo suffered two strokes back in 2020, and since then he has been in and out of hospital for a number of surgeries and long stays. The Monday before his daughter’s wedding – which took place on June 6 in Valders, Wisconsin – Talia received a text from her mom, saying her father was sick but that he refused to go into hospital because it would mean missing the occasion. Talia replied, saying, "TAKE HIM," which resulted in doctors discovering Ricardo’s kidney functions were at just seven percent, and he needed emergency surgery to add a port for dialysis treatment. Over the days that followed, Ricardo asked doctors if they could do all they could to make sure he made it to his daughter's wedding.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Valders, Wisconsin, USA
  • Date Acquired06-07-2022
  • Date Filmed06-06-2022
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Hospitalized Dad Determined To Walk Daughter Down Aisle Surprises Her On Wedding Day


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