Boy Dresses Up As Hero Dad For Tearful Reunion

A boy gave his soldier dad who he sees as his hero a sweet surprise when he returned home by waiting for his father at the airport in a matching army uniform. Ryan Bloomingdale, 45, a sergeant with the United States Army, from Flint, Michigan, wasn’t expecting his son, Johnny, 10, to be there waiting for him – let alone wearing an outfit to match his idol. As soon as the pair clocked each other at Bishop Airport, Johnny, who was holding a sign saying, "Welcome Home Daddy," ran into his father's arms for a tearful hug. Initially, Ryan had planned to surprise his son, but Johnny had other plans.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Flint, Michigan, USA
  • Date Acquired03-06-2023
  • Date Filmed02-04-2023
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Boy Dresses Up As Hero Dad For Tearful Reunion


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