Navy Son Sneaks into Meeting To Surprise Mom

A stunned mom leaped out of her chair with joy when she suddenly realized her Navy son, who she had not seen for a year, was sitting opposite her in a business meeting. Nakesha Brown, 44, sat through the business meeting totally unaware of the identity of the person sitting directly opposite her. Wearing a grey hoodie, Nakesha's son, Ezekiel, 20, sat silently as the presentation took place at non-emergency city services' office in Atlanta, Georgia. Ezekeil, a third class gunsman with the US Navy, had been away for around a year, having moved to San Diego, California. On December 19, 2019, as the person presenting said, "I want everyone to take a look at the person sitting across from them right now," things began to click for Nakehsa. She had questioned why the meeting at ATL311's headquarters was even taking place, as staff had arranged the gathering specifically for the surprise. Then, as she looked beneath Ezekiel's hoodie, the 44-year-old let out a huge scream – the room erupting into cheers. Nakesha then made her way around the table to embrace Ezekiel before crying in his arms.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Atlanta, Georgia, USA
  • Date Acquired02-24-2020
  • Date Filmed12-19-2019
  • OrientationHorizontal
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Publishing

Navy Son Sneaks into Meeting To Surprise Mom


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