Kids Open Car Trunk To Discover Military Dad Whose Returned From Deployment

A military father gave his young family the surprise of their lives when they opened the trunk of their vehicle to see him lying in their having returned from deployment early. Emmy, 8, Lincoln, 6, and Porter, 3, had not seen their father Ron Johnson, 34, for more than a year while he served in Iraq. As the trio discovered their father – who they had only been able to communicate with over video calls – they immediately jumped into father’s arms in delight as they realized the surprise their parents had planned on October 19. Ron, a sergeant with the Indiana Army National Guard, had been deployed in Iraq for the past 10 months, but due to other military commitments, the father-of-three was away from home in Osceola, Indiana, for 367 days. When he received news that he could finally head home, he began working with his wife, Becky, 36, on the big surprise. The moment took place at Becky’s mother’s home, with Becky pulling into the driveway and walking inside to collect the kids. With the camera rolling, Becky then filmed Emmy, Lincoln and Porter’s reactions as they headed to the back of the family van for the big surprise.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Osceola, Indiana, USA
  • Date Acquired11-01-2020
  • Date Filmed10-19-2020
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Kids Open Car Trunk To Discover Military Dad Whose Returned From Deployment


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