Artist Creates Stunning Mosaics Using Magazines From Childhood

An artist has turned a childhood gesture from her grandfather into incredible mosaic artworks. Madeline Rector, 19, from Fort Worth, Texas, has kept the bundles of National Geographic, Audubon, Birds in Bloom and other educational magazines that her devoted grandfather Richard, 92, bought her as a child. He had intended them to inform and inspire Madeline, but never thought she would keep hold of them after reading. But secretly, Madeline kept the magazines over the years until her late teens when she decided to turn the treasured, but beat up, magazines into something she could present her beloved grandfather. Knowing her grandfather loved sentimental objects that spark memories of the past, she decided to create a portrait of his dog, who has since passed. And from there things began to spiral. After a video she posted online gained millions of views, she continued to create new artworks, before presenting them to her grandfather at the end. Each mosaic takes Madeline up to 80 hours to create; from ripping up the tiny pieces of different colored pages, to painstakingly pasting each onto the canvas. But once complete, she continues to present them to her grandfather to remind him of the happy memories they’d created over the years.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Fort Worth, Texas, USA
  • Date Acquired06-25-2020
  • Date Filmed05-10-2020
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Artist Creates Stunning Mosaics Using Magazines From Childhood


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