Stepdad Surprises Stepdaughter With Name Tribute Tattoo

A beloved stepdad brought his stepdaughter to tears when he surprised her with a tattoo tribute on his arm of her name and her love of Disney. Since coming into seven-year-old Zoey’s life in 2022, Douglas Torres, 43, from Houston, Texas, has always treated her like she was his own daughter. After Zoey’s mom Sarah’s car broke down early in their relationship, Douglas did not hesitate in offering her a lift in his truck to collect Zoey, who was a 45-minute drive away. The pair immediately bonded, and Douglas also switched vehicles with Sarah until hers was fixed, so that she had a reliable truck to support her family. Over the months and years that followed, Douglas was there through soccer and softball games, ballet recitals and movie nights, taking Zoey to the likes of Disney on Ice and Jurassic Park. From one-off evenings as Sarah’s boyfriend, when he and Zoey would have karaoke nights, Douglas later moved in – and Zoey would always ask her stepdad if he would ever get a tattoo for her, like the others he had on his body. Zoey asked if Douglas would get a tattoo of her feet as a baby tattooed on his body, but the humble 43-year-old said he did not think that was appropriate, since it would be insensitive to her biological dad, as he had not been in her life then. But one day, Sarah showed Douglas photos of Zoey, whose first love was Minnie Mouse – of whom she wore costumes and had the likes of backpacks and toys. Douglas thought this would make for the perfect tattoo surprise his stepdaughter had been hoping for, and after running things past Sarah, the pair settled on a design that Douglas then got inked while Zoey visited her father in San Antonio, Texas.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Houston, Texas, USA
  • Date Acquired10-16-2024
  • Date Filmed10-05-2024
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Stepdad Surprises Stepdaughter With Name Tribute Tattoo


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