Mom Surprises Seven Sons With Baby Sister Reveal

A group of seven brothers couldn’t hold back their excitement when their mom called them from hospital to reveal they have welcomed a baby sister into the family. Scott and Maggie Hensley, from Raleigh, North Carolina, had seen their family grow over the years, having started by supporting a teen mom ministry, which led to them adopting two sets of brothers through foster care. Over Christmas 2023, Scott, 36, and Maggie, 35, were contacted by their youngest son’s biological parents to tell them they were expecting another baby and how they would like the couple to hopefully adopt the newborn to keep the family together. Knowing the youngster would have a more settled life growing up with their siblings, Scott and Maggie said yes to the proposal, their family motto being, “When you have more than you need, build a longer table, not a higher fence.” Over the months that followed it was then a waiting game for the seven brothers – Deacon (14), Bennett (12), Callahan (10), Aiden (7), Banner (6), Hunter (4), Dakota (2) – who wondered if they would welcome an eighth boy or the family’s first girl. Scott and Maggie decided to keep things a surprise, and while the boys and Scott were at home in North Carolina, Maggie flew to Texas to be there for the birth. Having then met baby girl Conlynn Josephine, or “Connie Jo,” on June 19, at JPS Hospital in Fort Worth, Maggie video called her boys to announce the news.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Fort Worth, Texas, USA
  • Date Acquired07-28-2024
  • Date Filmed06-19-2024
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing
Tags:  mom , surprise , seven , sons , sister , baby , reveal , news , Texas , USA

Mom Surprises Seven Sons With Baby Sister Reveal


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