Mom Screams WIth Joy After Daughter Sneaks Ultrasound Photos Into Fast Food Bag

A mom was left in complete shock when she opened up her fast food order and discovered her daughter's ultrasound photo, revealing she is set to become a grandma for the first time. After discovering she was pregnant, Jennika Anderson, 31, who lives in Columbia, Maryland, decided she wanted to come up with a unique way to break the news to her mom, Lisa Wright, 55. Before moving to Maryland, Jennika and her husband, Alex, 31, had spent time living with Lisa in St. George, Utah, where they developed a weekly fast food ritual. Each week, Lisa, Alex and Jennika would get takeout from their local Culver's, before sitting down at home to eat together and watch a show. Jennika decided this tradition would be the perfect cover for her surprise when she was next home – and so, having purchased Culver's for her mom, she slipped an ultrasound photo inside. When Lisa opened the bag in her home on December 18, her jaw immediately dropped, before letting out a number of stunned screams.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: St. George, Utah, USA
  • Date Acquired01-14-2024
  • Date Filmed12-18-2023
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Mom Screams WIth Joy After Daughter Sneaks Ultrasound Photos Into Fast Food Bag


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