95-Year-Old Grandma Screams And Jumps With Joy When She Discovers She's Going To Be Great Grandma

A confused 95-year-old grandma looked at her granddaughter's ultrasound and said it "looked like something swimming" before leaping for joy when she realized she was set to become a great-grandmother for the first time. Molly Zampano Kuchta, 33, from Rowayton, Connecticut, discovered that she was pregnant around November time, and so she thought a Christmas pregnancy announcement would be the perfect gift for her grandma, Dorothy. To plan the big surprise, Molly bought her grandmother a "decoy gift": a red sweater that she would open and discover an ultrasound sitting on top. On December 25, Molly set her camera rolling as her grandmother started to open her present. Unfortunately for Molly and her sister Hannah, who also knew about the surprise, Dorothy pushed the ultrasound to one side and embraced her new red sweater instead. With some coaxing, Dorothy picked up the black and white image – but still, things didn't click. According to Hannah, 27, her grandmother said quizzically, "It looks like something's swimming." But then, as the pieces fell into place, an excitable Dorothy leaped into the air, her arms raised as she celebrated her first great-grandchild.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Rowayton, Connecticut, USA
  • Date Acquired10-06-2023
  • Date Filmed12-25-2022
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

95-Year-Old Grandma Screams And Jumps With Joy When She Discovers She's Going To Be Great Grandma


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