Man Surprised With Fanny Pack Pregnancy Announcement

A man who couldn’t wait to be a dad so he could get away with rocking a fanny pack was stunned when his wife surprised him with one - with a positive pregnancy test inside. Sebastien Jolicoeur, 29, from British Columbia, Canada, made the statement to his wife, Olivia, 26, last year, which gave Olivia the perfect idea for a surprise pregnancy announcement. Over the holiday season, Olivia would hide a homemade cinnamon bun somewhere in the couple's home every day for Sebastien to find. Then, one day as he searched their living room, Sebastien looked in a closet to discover the usual Tupperware container - but with something else inside. As the pulled out the fanny pack, Sebastien looked confused but intrigued, and then Olivia, who was filming the moment on December 10, encouraged her husband to look inside. Sebastien, starting to figure out what could be unfolding, then searched inside the pack to reveal the positive test result, letting out a loud “no way” before a loving embrace with Olivia.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: British Columbia, Canada
  • Date Acquired01-19-2021
  • Date Filmed12-10-2020
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Man Surprised With Fanny Pack Pregnancy Announcement


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