Husband Comes Home To Surprise Twins Reveal

A husband couldn’t believe his eyes when he returned home to discover a sonogram revealing the couple were set to welcome twins. Austin McCormick, 24, from Aiken, South Carolina, was expecting a normal journey home when he walked in to be greeted by wife Hannah, 22. Earlier in the day, Hannah had attended what the couple thought would be a routine check-up, as Hannah was seven weeks pregnant at the time. Because Hannah was so early in her pregnancy, the couple didn’t expect the technician to carry out a sonogram, and so Austin did not attend. But when Hannah arrived, she was told that the technician would, in fact, need to carry out a sonogram, so that she could take some measurements of what Hannah believed was just one child. As the exam went on, though, the technician’s initial pauses gave Hannah cause for concern – only for the 22-year-old to then be told the surprising news she was looking at twins. Hannah immediately started crying tears of joy, she said, but with Austin not being present – or expecting a sonogram of even one baby – she decided to plan a big surprise for the dad-to-be. Having told Austin everything was routine and went well, Hannah then placed the sonogram on a board that read “The more the merrier” when she returned home. As Austin entered the room, he inspected the image that he was not expecting to see, before letting out a confused, and hilarious, shout: “There’s two?!”
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Aiken, South Carolina, USA
  • Date Acquired09-05-2024
  • Date Filmed12-21-2023
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Husband Comes Home To Surprise Twins Reveal


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