Couple Expecting Triplets Film Friends And Family's Reactions

A couple have shared their family and friends' shocked reactions to them breaking the news they were expecting triplets. When Jenna Gucciardo, 35, from Upstate New York, headed to a routine ultrasound scan with husband Evano, at around nine weeks gestation, they were excited to see their baby. But when the sonographer removed the camera from Jenna's belly, she asked if they’d had a natural pregnancy, and after confirming they had, the sonographer told them not to "freak out." She then revealed she could see not one, but three healthy heartbeats. Jenna and Evano didn't know how to react, but once they recovered from the initial shock and the excitement grew, they couldn't wait to tell their closest friends and family. The couple wanted the surprises to be on a similar level to theirs, so they decided showing their baby scan images would be the best way. The reason, they thought, was because the three images had different titles – Baby A, Baby B, and Baby C – and so seeing these one at a time would only add to people's amazement. During October 2023, Jenna and Evano surprised their parents with the news first, before capturing the likes of their cousins, siblings, aunts, uncles and close friends reacting in shock. The couple later shared the videos in a throwback post in 2024, with their triplets – Maximo, Gianni and Andrea (ON-dre-uh) – being born on March 19, 2024.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Upstate New York, New York, USA
  • Date Acquired12-06-2024
  • Date Filmed10-23-2023
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Couple Expecting Triplets Film Friends And Family's Reactions


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