Couple Expecting Triplets Surprise Family And Friends

A couple announced they are expecting triplets to family and friends by showing them the sonogram and recording their hilarious reactions as they figure out the news. Gini and Eric Rubega, from Boston, Massachusetts, have no history of triplets - or even twins - on either side of the family, and were in disbelief when they discovered the news themselves. The pregnancy, which is referred to as ‘spontaneous triplets’ meaning no IVF or fertilization of any kind, is so rare doctors have estimated the chances are as little as 0.013%. So the couple, who have been married four months, decided to capture the reactions of their loved ones when they broke the news to them in a series of hilarious pregnancy reveals. Everyone, from their parents, siblings and closest friends were caught on camera completely gob smacked as they figure out what they are seeing on the sonogram.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  • Date Acquired01-09-2019
  • Date Filmed12-31-2018
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Couple Expecting Triplets Surprise Family And Friends


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