Wife Hides Bun In The Oven To Surprise Husband

A man was left speechless after his wife secretly hid a bun in their oven and waited for him to find it after she found out she was pregnant. On the way home from picking up daughters Karder from daycare and Emerson from preschool, KadieBeth asked husband Trevor to stop at the grocery store. He had no idea earlier that morning KadieBeth had taken a pregnancy test and found out she was pregnant with the couple’s third child. So, while in the store, she secretly picked up a bun and after getting home spotted an opportunity to hide it in the oven, also setting up her phone to record Trevor’s reaction. While he’s in the kitchen, KadieBeth asks Trevor to preheat the oven and take some pans out, and as he bends down to open the over door discovers the bun sitting there. It’s not until he says the words ‘I thought the kids put a bun in the oven’ he figures out what is happening shouting ‘…there’s a bun in the oven?!’ dropping it to the floor.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Rapid City, South Dakota, USA
  • Date Acquired03-21-2019
  • Date Filmed01-26-2019
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Wife Hides Bun In The Oven To Surprise Husband


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