Grandpa Gets Biggest Surprise With Baby's Name

A proud grandpa wiped away tears of joy as he held his new grandchild while his daughter revealed the youngster had been named after him. Kaitlyn Lowe, 27, from Boise, Idaho, is extremely close to her father Lou, 72, who she said is loved by everyone he meets. So, when considering a name for her baby son, she and her husband decided to incorporate her father in some way. The couple settled on the name Hudson Lou Lowe, keeping the addition of Hudson's middle name a secret until after he had been born. On April 17, Lou entered the hospital room with his wife, Cynthia, where he took a seat and held his newborn grandson, who was just six hours old, for the first time. As her father beamed with pride, Kaitlyn asked her dad if he had any idea what the name could be, before saying aloud, "Hudson Lou Lowe." Each word was said slowly, emphasizing the importance, and as Cynthia discussed the name with her daughter, Lou could be seen taking everything in, quietly wiping away a tear as he reacted to the news.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Boise, Idaho, USA
  • Date Acquired05-17-2024
  • Date Filmed04-27-2024
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Grandpa Gets Biggest Surprise With Baby's Name


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