Boy With One Hand Receives Book About Boy Just Like Him

A boy born without a hand and forearm beamed with joy when he was surprised with a storybook that contained a main character who was just like him. Three-year-old Roman McCormack joyfully read through the pages at his family home in Glasgow, Scotland, with his mom Kim capturing every smile, laugh, and relatable moment on video. Roman was born with a congenital limb defect that came with no prior warning before Kim's 20-week scan, and is something they have lived with, and embraced, ever since. Growing up, though, Roman and Kim noticed that not all of the characters in stories and TV shows were like him, and so Kim started looking for an inclusive book that her son could relate to. The book arrived on February 13, and Kim, who was eight months pregnant at the time, then recorded her son's reaction, sharing the video with Jessica.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Airdrie, UK
  • Date Acquired02-21-2022
  • Date Filmed02-13-2022
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing
Tags:  hand , arm , baby , book , representation , boy , kid , child

Boy With One Hand Receives Book About Boy Just Like Him


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