Security Camera Captures Dad Return To Give Sad Son Goodbye Kiss

A young son looks on as his dad who is running late for work leaves without giving him a goodbye kiss – before he remembers and calls him over for a bigtime spirit-boosting hug. Dontae, aged three, was caught on security camera looking and acting down while sitting outside a family friend's house as his dad, J Roundtree, 31, headed off to work for the day. But then, as he is about to get into his car, J, from Pleasantville, Ohio, looks back at his son and realizes there's one thing that Dontae is waiting for so calls him over. Dontae excitably runs to his father, and J throws the youngster up in the air before bringing him in for a big hug goodbye.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Pleasantville, Ohio, USA
  • Date Acquired05-03-2023
  • Date Filmed04-20-2023
  • OrientationHorizontal
  • Footage TypeSecurity
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing
Tags:  security , camera , goodbye , hug , kiss , sad , son , work , job , pleasantville , ohio

Security Camera Captures Dad Return To Give Sad Son Goodbye Kiss


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