Grandpa Surprised By Best Friend Since 1940s On 90th Birthday

A grandpa jumped to his feet in delight when he was surprised on his 90th birthday by his best friend since the 1940s who lives out of state and didn’t think would be able to attend. Jesse "Gene" Campbell and Conrad "Connie" Harrold have decades of memories together, meeting 84 years ago when living just down the road from one another as kids. The friends attended the same church and shared a clubhouse has youngsters, and were at each other's weddings while also sharing occasional reunions in elderly life. Gene, a retired Master Chief who served 27 years with the U.S. Navy, lives in Spartanburg, South Carolina, with his wife, Jennie, 94, while Connie and his wife Joanne live in Denton, North Carolina. The best pals hadn't seen each other in about a year, their families said, and leading up to Gene's milestone birthday, the Harrold's were involved in a car accident so weren’t expected on the big day. A few days before the event, though, Connie and Joanne were given the okay to travel, and so they reached out to Gene's son, Mike, to help organize a surprise for his father. On June 29, Gene sat outside his home, waiting to receive a video call from Connie that Mark had said had been set up. But then, as Connie came around the corner of the house in his wheelchair, a stunned Gene jumped up in shock, rising to his feet and walking over to his friend to give him a long-awaited hug.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Spartanburg, South Carolina, USA
  • Date Acquired07-05-2024
  • Date Filmed06-29-2024
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Grandpa Surprised By Best Friend Since 1940s On 90th Birthday


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