Dog Rescues Tiny Abandoned Kitten By Bringing It Home

A loving dog rescued a tiny stray kitten by coaxing it into following her home during pouring rain. Monica Burks couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw her dog, Hazel, helping out the squeaking kitten during the heavy downpour. Monica, 48, peered outdoors after Hazel, 3, did not come back from her "restroom" break and instead kept drawing attention to a faint cry underneath their shed. Hazel persisted, staying out in the rain until Monica, from Abilene, Texas, was met by a surprise: her dog trotting down the driveway, the squealing kitten in tow. Each time the kitten stopped, Hazel - a mixture between a Yorkie, Chihuahua and poodle - encouraged her along and waited for her. And when the kitten couldn't make it up the step into the warm, dry home, Hazel even picked it up in her mouth and carried the cat inside. The moment took place on September 30, and since then Monica has named the kitten Sheba and given it to her brother, Michael, to look after.
Location: Abilene, Texas, USA
  • Date Acquired11-15-2019
  • Date Filmed09-30-2019
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing
Tags:  dog , cat , rescue , rain , flood , abandoned , kitten , abilene , texas

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