Hero Rescues Stranded Yorkshire Terrier From Drowning

A tiny Yorkshire Terrier who slipped into a reservoir and was perched on a small ledge was saved by a good samaritan. Jasen Chambers was walking with his wife around Wintergreen Lake in West Rock State Park, Connecticut, when they spotted the little pooch. Springing into action, Jasen clambers down a steep edge to try to reach the soaked pup. But with the ground slippery, he loses his footing - almost plunging into the water himself. After regaining his balance, he carefully reaches out to grab the terrier and carry her to safety.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: New Haven, Connecticut, USA
  • Date Acquired09-19-2018
  • Date Filmed09-13-2018
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Hero Rescues Stranded Yorkshire Terrier From Drowning


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