Couple Rescue Dog In Puerto Rico And Adopt Him Back To US

A loving couple from the US has adopted a stray dog while on vacation that had been run over before desperately limping on three paws towards them and looking into their eyes. Zahydie Burgos and husband Francisco Ríos from Orlando, Florida, were visiting the coastal town Malecon de Naguabo in Puerto Rico with family members when a wounded dog limped their way. Francisco, 47, is diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer’s Disease, so the purpose of their trip was to spend quality time with his mom and his siblings before his condition deteriorates. As they walked through the town, a Rat Terrier mix, clearly injured, immediately made a dart towards them before sitting at their feet and looking up at the couple with pleading eyes. Staff at a nearby restaurant revealed he had just been hit by a car, but that the car had kept going, so Zahydie and Francisco got water and food for him and sat with him since he was scared. The couple, who volunteer at Poodle and Pooch Rescue of Central Florida, have four rescues at home, and their instincts immediately kicked in and decided to take the dog to a local veterinarian. After being stabilized and hospitalized for further checkups, vaccines, and to neuter him, the vet asked the pair to name him and they decided on Gabo, as a nod to where he was found (naGuABO). Despite their best efforts trying to find local rescues, fosters or a shelter, nowhere had space, so after he was discharged from the hospital they took Gabo with them as he needed constant medical assistance. Ahead of their flight home days later, the pooch still didn’t have a home, so the veterinary offered to prepare all the paperwork in case they wanted to take Gabo with them. So they did – after buying everything, the carrier, food, treats and the plane ticket, they flew back to Florida on August 1 with Gabo.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Puerto Rico, USA
  • Date Acquired08-12-2023
  • Date Filmed08-01-2023
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing
Tags:  dog , adoption , rescue , puerto rico

Couple Rescue Dog In Puerto Rico And Adopt Him Back To US


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