Grandpa Who Had Childhood Dachshund Has Sweet Day Out At Sausage Dog Meet-Up

A cute grandpa has warmed millions of hearts across social media, after his granddaughter took him to a dachshund festival and he proudly showed off photos of his childhood sausage dog, Bingo. Leonard Cyr, 87, from Charlotte, North Carolina, is always talking about his childhood dachshund, who he got in 1947, when he was 10 years old. While cleaning through old boxes at his home, family members found a film photo of Bingo, which is granddaughter, Lydia Bardo, 27, helped him set as his phone background. During the year and a half that she lived with Leonard, the pair would often chat about Bingo, who would walk one mile with Leonard every day to collect his family’s post. Knowing how much Leonard loved the breed, Lydia decided to ask her grandpa if he would like to attend a dachshund meet-up around two hours away, in Greenville, South Carolina. Given that her grandpa doesn’t travel much because of his age, Lydia was unsure of what Leonard’s reaction would be – but he assertively said he wanted to make the trip. Lydia’s sister and parents live in Greenville, and so they had identified a dachshund meet in a local flower shop. Ahead of time, Lydia’s sister informed those in the shop that her grandpa was set to travel across states to see the sausage dogs, and so they wanted to make his day extra special. On June 15, at Sun and Soil Plant Parlor, a beaming Leonard made his way between dog owners, smiling, interacting, and proudly showing off his film photo of his beloved Bingo. Throughtout the day, Lydia captured such wholesome moments on video, later sharing a compilation on TikTok, where her grandpa then went viral.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Greenville, South Carolina, USA
  • Date Acquired08-29-2024
  • Date Filmed06-15-2024
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Grandpa Who Had Childhood Dachshund Has Sweet Day Out At Sausage Dog Meet-Up


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