87-Year-Old Grandpa's Emotional First Look With Bride-To-Be Granddaughter

A grandpa who fought numerous health issues in an effort to make his granddaughter's wedding was brought to tears when she surprised him with a first look shoot at his care facility. Chloe Bingham, from Hodgenville, Kentucky, has always been a "Papaw's girl," spending large amounts of time with grandpa Dale Thompson, 87, as a kid, and now helping care for him. Dale would never miss a soccer game, dance recital, bowling match or awards ceremony, Chloe, 21, said, driving her to and from school and later teaching her to drive. And so, ahead of her wedding day, Chloe couldn't think of anything that would bring her more joy than to have Dale see her walk down the aisle. However, Chloe also admitted she was aware of her grandpa's health, which had been declining since 2019. Dale, who suffered from a stroke, also battled diabetes, asthma, kidney disease and congestive heart failure. Chloe worked in the nursing home where her grandpa was based, and after a fall in March, Dale was found to have broken his back, requiring him to be bed-bound for several weeks. It was at this point, Chloe said her grandpa admitted to her, “Chloe, I am so tired of fighting. I don’t think I’m going to make it to your wedding.” Knowing she had to do something, Chloe called on the help of a hair stylist friend, who she asked if she could help her prepare a wedding dress photo shoot for her grandpa. With her stylists on board, Chloe then called on the help of a photographer friend, Carmen Elizabeth Aders, as well those who were currently working on her wedding dress.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Elizabethtown, Kentucky, USA
  • Date Acquired07-18-2024
  • Date Filmed04-12-2024
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeProfessional Camera
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

87-Year-Old Grandpa's Emotional First Look With Bride-To-Be Granddaughter


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