Bride Uses Roller Skates To Dance With Groom With ALS

A bride shared a beautiful first dance with her groom who is battling ALS by wearing roller skates so she could dance in time with his electric wheelchair. Mark Russell and Rosemary McGoff, from Endicott, New York, met in high school and dated twice – but they didn't end up together until 2019. In late 2021, Mark, 67, was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease – commonly known as ALS – and over time started to lose his independence, first the use of his legs and now function of his upper extremities. For that reason, Mark uses an electric wheelchair, which Rosemary, 65, his primary caregiver, wanted to incorporate into the first dance at their wedding. Having realized the chair's stand function made Mark significantly taller when he moved around, she decided she would wear roller skates to match Mark's every move.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Binghamton, New York, USA
  • Date Acquired06-06-2023
  • Date Filmed05-20-2023
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Bride Uses Roller Skates To Dance With Groom With ALS


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