Grandpa Tears Up After Causing Baby Granddaughter First Big Smiles

A besotted grandpa struggled to hide his emotion when causing his baby granddaughter to give him "big smiles" for the first time. At his home north of Minneapolis, Minnesota, Mike, 45, welled up as three-month-old granddaughter Ivy beamed from ear to ear, smiling and giggling as her grandpa showed her affection. The moment took place on January 28 and was recorded by Mike's wife, JoJo, who was hosting baby Ivy for a sleepover. According to JoJo, as soon as Mike had taken Ivy out of her car seat and placed her on the counter to say "hello," the youngster immediately produced the biggest smiles they had ever seen from her. JoJo quickly grabbed her phone to record the moment, with Mike declaring "I have tears in my eyes" at the start of the footage. This was the first time the grandparents had ever seen their granddaughter produce "big smiles," JoJo said, and as Mike chatted to his granddaughter, she continued to giggle with a big grin on her face.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
  • Date Acquired02-23-2023
  • Date Filmed01-28-2023
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Grandpa Tears Up After Causing Baby Granddaughter First Big Smiles


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