Proposal Surprise For Mom Taking Baby Home After 156 Days In Hospital

This is the emotional moment a mother said ‘yes’ to her partner’s marriage proposal as they took their baby home from hospital 156 days after giving birth at just 25 weeks due to complications. While pregnant with her first child, Regan Daugherty, 23, was hospitalized in late October with pain in her back and sides and diagnosed with a kidney infection. Regan and her boyfriend, Dillon Fitts, 24, visited a fetal specialist who spotted issues with the pregnancy made worse by the baby’s already slow growth, deciding the baby had to be delivered by emergency c-section after just 25 weeks. The couple had to take a CareFlight from their hometown of Lindale in Texas to Medical City Dallas Hospital with a NICU better equipped to handle their emergency situation. Baby Ezra was born on November 6 weighing 14 ounces - 17 ounces is the minimum for viability - and over the next 156 days, the young family stayed in the hospital with four separate trips to the operating room as Ezra was kept on support. During that trying period however, word got out about their story, with a huge following across social media all over the world following Ezra’s progress. Finally, on April 10, they got the good news that they were discharged from the hospital, capturing the moment on a live video on social media for thousands to tune into watch Ezra go home. As the young family leave the NICU, dozens of nurses come over to give them an emotional embrace on their way out, with plenty of tears being shed. After being greeted by family and friends near the hospital exit, after saying a few words thanking people for their support, Dillon gives Regan one more emotional surprise by getting down on one knee and proposing to her while she is still holding Ezra.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA
  • Date Acquired04-21-2018
  • Date Filmed10-04-2018
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Proposal Surprise For Mom Taking Baby Home After 156 Days In Hospital


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