Five Brothers React To Meeting Sister They Dreamed Of

Five brothers anxiously meet their newborn sibling for the first time - just months after their pure elation at discovering they were getting the sister they dreamed of. Filmed by mom Aubrey Taylor, Kel, aged seven, Tad, 10, Troy, three, and 11-year-old twins Rogan and Ross, stand anxiously waiting to find out whether they will become older brothers to a baby boy or girl. The brothers are joined by their dad, Kimball, at home in Orem, Utah, USA, as they each hold cups containing colored powder - either blue for a boy or pink for a girl. Suddenly they launch the powder into the air and can hardly contain their excitement as reality dawns on them - they are soon to have a baby sister. After months of waiting, the brothers finally get to meet their new sister Shay, and edge into the room to meet her hardly able to contain their excitement.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Orem, Utah, USA
  • Date Acquired12-14-2017
  • Date Filmed11-02-2017
  • OrientationHorizontal
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Five Brothers React To Meeting Sister They Dreamed Of


Girl Thinks She's Meeting Baby Sister Surprised With Twins

Brother Hugs Baby Sister Every Time She Wakes Up

Grandma Reads Hospital Whiteboard To Find Newborn Named After Own Grandma

Military Dad Surprises Son Who Thinks He's Meeting Newborn Sister

Great-Grandfather Gets Teary Eyed At Baby Named After Him

Uncle Goes Viral Meeting Baby Nephew For First Time

Girl Receives Birthday Gift She Always Wanted - A Little Sister

Boy's Heart Melts As He Meets Baby Sister After NICU Stay

Girl Meets Newborn Sister For First Time After 16 Days In NICU

Family Surprised With Newborn Baby After 113 Day NICU Stay

Preemie Twins Hug As Reunited For First Time After Birth In NICU

23-Week 'Micropremie' Finally Home After 148 NICU Fight

Proposal Surprise For Mom Taking Baby Home After 156 Days In Hospital

Sister Sobs Happy Tears In Restaurant When Military Brother Surprises Her

Soldier Sister Comes Home To Surprise Brother In Epic Raffle Win Prank

Man Returns From College To Surprise Sister Getting Off School Bus

Boy With Cancer Surprised By Return Of Big Brother

Ultrasound Student Stunned To Discover Sister Is Pregnant During Scan

Navy Brother Makes Sister's Jaw Drop When He Returns Home

Grandpa Battling Cancer Surprised With Newborn Named After Him

Baby Born At 24 Weeks Weighing Same As Jar Of Spaghetti Sauce Beats The Odds

Peace Corp Worker Surprises Sister In Classroom After 3 Years Away

Boy Born With 'Nubby' Has Lookalike Doll To Help With Baby Sister

Baby Stops Crying When Hearing Parents' Voices For First Time

Toddler Who Spent Months High-Fiving Pregnant Mom's Belly Meets Sibling

Gender Reveal Taken To New Heights With Helicopter

Boy Smiles With Joy When He Finally Gets To Meet Newborn Brother Coming Off Oscillator

Family Receive Celebratory Guard Of Honor When They Leave NICU After 247 Days

Police K-9 Helps Family With Gender Reveal