Adopted Boy Has Head Shaved To Look Like Father Figure Grandpa

A boy who idolizes his grandpa as a father figure decided he didn’t just want to be like him but look like him too - so shaved his head bald so that they’d look the same. Jameson, aged six, wanted to surprise his grandfather, Doug Surber, 68, so he asked his mom during his most recent visit to the barber if he could “be bald” like Papa Doug. Jameson’s mother Lindsey Surber, 23, from Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, adopted Jameson as a single mother, and so Doug has always been like a father figure to him, Lindsey said. On September 19, 2020, Lindsey and Jameson headed after school to Maverick's Men’s Hair where Jameson was adamant that he wanted to shave his head to look like Doug. Lindsey said she initially had reservations about her son losing his head of hair, but seeing how enthused he was to surprise Doug, she decided to go along with it filming each step of the way. As the barber began his cut, Jameson was “grinning from ear to ear,” according to Lindsey, who began fostering Jameson when she was 21 before adopting him two years later. When it was time for the big surprise, Lindsey covered Jameson in a blanket and Doug entered the room. As he removed the blanket to discover a bald Jameson jumping up and down with excitement, Doug was in complete shock. The grandfather rubbed his head in solidarity with his grandson, while Jameson then jumped into Papa Doug’s arms.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, USA
  • Date Acquired09-22-2020
  • Date Filmed09-19-2020
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

Adopted Boy Has Head Shaved To Look Like Father Figure Grandpa


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