Routine Traffic Stop Turns Into Pregnancy Reveal For Police Officer

A police officer’s shock suddenly turned to delight when he was pulled over for what he thought was a routine traffic stop - only to be surprised with a grand pregnancy reveal. As Mike Sawyer, 36, calmly chatted to the two Colorado State Patrol troopers who had pulled him over, wife Sam, who was sitting in the passenger's seat, began secretly recording. Sam had been in on the surprise all along, having spoken to a friend – one of the troopers – to brainstorm ideas as to how she could share the news with Mike. Trooper Vincent Moscardino chatted with Mike on November 5, when he explained that the vehicle had been pulled over because of expired tags. Mike, none the wiser to the surprise that was about to come, said that the car belonged to Sam, 34, who had their papers on hand and continued to go along with the charade. After Mike had handed over the papers, Trooper Moscardino said, "I know I stopped you for the tags, but just now I noticed you don't have a properly restrained child back there." Trooper Brittani Fah, who was also recording the moment from outside the car, then held up a baby grow that read, "Plot Twist." Mike, in complete shock, let out a "Shut up!" in surprise before turning to kiss his wife.
Release Status:
TV & Digital
Location: Lakewood, Colorado, USA
  • Date Acquired02-19-2021
  • Date Filmed11-05-2020
  • OrientationVertical
  • Footage TypeCell Phone
  • Rights TV & Digital, Commercial, Publishing

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